Summary: | Intissar Haddiya Department of Nephrology, Laboratory of Epidemiology, Clinical Research and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Oujda, University Mohamed Premier, Oujda, MoroccoCorrespondence: Intissar Haddiya Department of NephrologyLaboratory of Epidemiology, Clinical Research and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Oujda, University Mohamed Premier, 12, Avenue Al Ouafae, Hay AlHikma, Oujda 60050, MoroccoTel +212 661 281400Email intissarhaddiya@yahoo.frAbstract: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients are at high risk for infectious complications. This is partly due to their dysfunctional immune system, especially in advanced CKD stages. Vaccination represents an important prevention strategy in these patients, as several studies have reported lower infection rates and significantly reduced morbidity and mortality in hospitals adopting vaccination protocols. However, vaccination rates are particularly low in these patients, and the diminished immune responsiveness remains the main issue of vaccination in CKD patients. Besides, there are various immunization protocols across the world in the absence of optimal vaccination policies. This paper aims to discuss the current knowledge of vaccination in this immunocompromised group of patients based on recent evidence and recommendations.Keywords: immunizations, vaccines, immune system, chronic kidney disease, dialysis, kidney transplant