Summary: | Sesame variety JLT-408 is developed through hybridization followed by advance generation selection from the cross Padma x Yuzhi-8 by pedigree method at Oilseeds Research Station, Jalgaon. This variety gave 29.9 % and 20.8% higher yield than checks JLT-7 and JLT-26, respectively. It has medium maturity period (81-85 days), white bold seed and found superior in quality viz. high oil content (53.2%), low in free fatty acid (1.46%) and its Iodine value is 107.0. This new variety is moderately resistant to major diseases like Phyllody, Cercospora leaf spot, Alternaria leaf spot, Powdery mildew and Macrophomina stem/ root rot and it is moderately tolerant to leaf roller /capsule borer and tolerant to gall fly under field conditions. Considering merits in respect of yield, oil content and quality parameters JLT-408 has been released for cultivation in kharif season in North Maharashtra and adjoining areas of Vidarbha and Marathwada regions in Maharashtra.