Summary: | This article presents formative and curricular concerns raised by teachers of primary-level educational centers for young people and adults, within the framework of a training process carried out in 2018 and 2019. This educational experience was produced by institutional agreement between a research team of the National University of Córdoba and the modality of education for young people and adults of the Municipality of the City of Córdoba, Argentinian. The discussions, reflections and developments around the Training and Work Area, produced under a workshop methodology, are specifically collected in this article. Three dimensions are presented that can be understood as dilemmas assumed by job training as a primary level curricular space for youth and adults: 1-Theoretical-conceptual dimension on training and work; 2-Social and pedagogical dimension: knowledge of work and trajectories; 3-Contextual-territorial dimension: the school and the neighborhood. Finally, these dimensions are recovered to leave raised the main challenges of the curricular area.