Summary: | Modern wheeled tractors are equipped with new-generation electric and electronic systemswhich control the operation of actuator systems. Such solutions require an on-board computer foronline monitoring of functional performance, exhaust gas emissions, safety and operating parameters.Mechatronic diagnostic systems identify the machine’s actual operating load in different operatingmodes and under specific circumstances.Knowledge engineering methods have not yet been developed in the process of diagnosing a tractor’sdefects, but they seem to offer almost endless possibilities. A defect is defined as every event whichhas an adverse effect on tractor performance and which should be detected in the diagnostic processwith an indication of the type and place of damage as well as the magnitude and variability of damageover time. Diagnostic knowledge is a symbolic representation of empirical relations based on whichdiagnostic procedures are developed.The identification of diagnostic relations based on different methods and information sources willfoster the growth of reliable declarative knowledge comprising facts and state-symptom diagnosticrelations, as well as procedural knowledge which underlies diagnostic inference.The determination of symptom-damage relations requires a knowledge base of potential defects in theassemblies and subassemblies of a wheeled tractor. A diagnostic knowledge base can be created based on the identified diagnostic relations, including data acquired during damage simulations.The identification of diagnostic relations between specific defects and the corresponding parameterswas one of the key steps in the process of developing a mechatronic diagnostic system in a wheeledtractor. To facilitate the detection of specific defects at a given moment, a single set of diagnosticsymptoms was allocated to every defect in a wheeled tractor. Diagnostic symptoms are identified bysensors when threshold values are exceeded.[b]Keywords[/b]: diagnostics, wheeled tractor, diagnostic relations