Summary: | This article is the result of a bibliographical study to reflect and to appraise and to as the Internet can be used as plus a methodology resource in classroom to assist and to awake in the student the interest for the educational research. This new alternative favors a series of positive points therefore the Inernet available a gamma of diversified contents and in real time the communication with the world. In this material it also has a concern with the awareness of the dangers that the Internet can offer in classroom for the incorrect use for professionals who are disqualified for this new technology. The necessary school to change its paradigm on the education, needs to consider the pupil as a pensante being, endowed with abilities and talentos, with history of life and different styles that must be analyzed in the hour of the process education/learning. The Internet opens ways for the acquisition of new experiences that can lead the promotion of the citizenship, therefore the society is product of experiences acquired through the times. As the school, it has the responsibility for the integral formation of the individual for a modern society, it must use all the possible resources that the computer has available. It must be used as plus a tool to rescue of the pupil the yearning for knowing and at the same time it will make with that educational pedagogical practical professors rethink its and reflect that by means of the computer also will have education and learning By means of the digital inclusion in the schools the pupils go to acquire a space to display its ideas of creative
form. The use of the computer, of the Internet and all the too much technological, available resources as aid for the stimulaton of the logical reasoning, and from there, the pupil will go to construct knowledge by means of exchanges of experiences, goes to obtain to surpass its proper limitations and to provoke the development of the cognitivas capacities, indirectly will make with that the inclusion in the society for intermediary of the digital world occurs.