網路課輔中層次性閱讀教學對偏鄉學童閱讀能力影響之研究 Effects of Four-Level Reading Instruction for an Online Tutoring Project on Promoting the Reading Ability of Rural Students

為滿足偏鄉學童的國語文學習需求,提升其閱讀能力,本研究於線上課輔活動中導入層次性閱讀教學,並探求此教學對學童閱讀的助益。本研究以教育部數位學伴網路課輔計畫中,國立東華大學輔導的82 位(實驗組與對照組各41 位)東部偏鄉國小學童為研究對象。研究方法採不等組前後測設計。實驗組學童於每週兩次的一對一即時線上課輔活動中,各接受30分鐘層次性故事短文的閱讀教學,共15 次。對照組依學童學校國語課程進度進行課業輔導。 兩組於教學實驗前、後皆進行閱讀測驗。層次性閱讀教學是依閱讀能力發展進程,將教學分成字詞理解、訊息截取、訊息推論及統整詮釋四個層次。本研究先採多因子共變數分析探求兩組在整體閱讀能力表現上的...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 高台茜 Tai-Chien Kao, 康以諾 Yi-No Kang, 陳玉葉 Kang Yu-Yeh Chen
Format: Article
Published: National Taiwan Normal University 2015-12-01
Series:Journal of Research in Education Sciences
Online Access:http://jories.ntnu.edu.tw/jres/PaperContent.aspx?cid=196&ItemId=1516&loc=en#
Summary:為滿足偏鄉學童的國語文學習需求,提升其閱讀能力,本研究於線上課輔活動中導入層次性閱讀教學,並探求此教學對學童閱讀的助益。本研究以教育部數位學伴網路課輔計畫中,國立東華大學輔導的82 位(實驗組與對照組各41 位)東部偏鄉國小學童為研究對象。研究方法採不等組前後測設計。實驗組學童於每週兩次的一對一即時線上課輔活動中,各接受30分鐘層次性故事短文的閱讀教學,共15 次。對照組依學童學校國語課程進度進行課業輔導。 兩組於教學實驗前、後皆進行閱讀測驗。層次性閱讀教學是依閱讀能力發展進程,將教學分成字詞理解、訊息截取、訊息推論及統整詮釋四個層次。本研究先採多因子共變數分析探求兩組在整體閱讀能力表現上的差異,並進一步將性別與年段納為調節變項,進行多因子多變量共變數分析,以探知網路課輔中閱讀教學對偏鄉學童閱讀能力進步的影響。結果顯示,網路課輔中,接受層次性閱讀教學之學童整體閱讀表現優於一般語文教學。背景變項中,年段具調節作用。中年段實驗組學童之訊息推論表現顯著優於對照組;高年段實驗組學童則在統整詮釋上顯著優於對照組,此結果建議網路課輔閱讀教學應依據學童能力的發展階段進行適性調整。 To satisfy the language-learning needs of students living in rural areas and to promote their reading ability, this study developed four-level reading instruction for an afterschool online tutoring program and evaluated its effects on student reading ability. The study participants were drawn from 142 students at 11 elementary schools in Eastern Taiwan who were tutored by college students at National Dong-Hwa University as a part of the Digital Partner Afterschool Online Tutoring Program in the fall semester of 2014. 41 students from three elementary schools that were willing to join the study were assigned to the experimental group. For a fair comparison, an additional 41 students with similar background conditions were selected from the remaining eight elementary schools and were assigned to the control group. The pretest-posttest unequal-group design was adopted for the experiment. For the experimental group, a 30-minute four-level reading lesson for a short story was conducted by a college student tutor at the beginning of each 90-minute one-on-one online tutoring activity, which was performed twice weekly over 15 weeks in the semester. The four-level reading instruction was designed on the basis of their progress in reading comprehension; specifically, their performance in lexicon learning, information retrieving, direct inference, and information interpreting. For the control group, the college student tutor provided review lessons according to the language textbook used by the elementary school. Two short story reading tests were conducted at the beginning (pretest) and end (posttest) of the experiment for both groups. The study first used the multiway analysis of covariance to detect overall reading performance differences between the groups. To elucidate the effects of the four-level reading instruction, gender and grade level were adopted as moderators, and multiway multivariate analysis of variance was performed for further analysis. The findings showed that the four-level reading instruction promoted the students’ reading ability. Moreover, there was a moderate effect on grade level. Significant improvements were observed in the direct inferencing ability of the middle graders and the information interpreting ability of high graders. Therefore, the focus of the four-level reading instruction should be adapted to the cognitive development of students.