Summary: | In order to understand the signal detection design of large-scale MIMO physical layer spatial optical communication systems, the author proposes a research on signal detection of large-scale MIMO physical layer spatial optical communication systems based on genetic algorithms. Firstly, the author introduces the basic principles of large-scale MIMO physical layer spatial optical communication systems, analyzes signal detection issues and their challenges. Secondly, a nitty gritty acquaintance was given with hereditary calculation and its application in signal recognition. A genetic algorithm-based signal detection technology scheme was developed for MIMO-OFDM systems. The GA algorithm was contrasted with the ML algorithm and the BLAST algorithm to comprehend its performance. The following parameters served as the foundation for the outcomes of the simulation: The quantity of subcarriers in OFDM is K = 18, and the quantity of images sent per transporter is 165; Additionally, simulation was used to demonstrate how the genetic algorithm affected the MIMO-OFDM system's signal detection. Subsequent to concentrating on the location calculations in MIMO-OFDM frameworks, hereditary calculations are applied to flag discovery in MIMO-OFDM frameworks, to accomplish a decent split the difference among execution and computational intricacy.