Summary: | The Moldoviţa river basin is situated in the northern part ofEastern Carpathians. It is a main right side tributary of Moldova river. The averagemulti-annual flow recorded in Lunguleţ and Dragoşa hydrometric stations has thevalue of 1.638 m3/s, and 5.099 m3/s, respectively. The last catastrophic floods inMoldovita river basin occurred on 26th July 2008, with the high flood wave at17:00. A maximum flow of 539 m3/s was recorded and a water level rise to 400m.The high flood was devastating, damaging many houses and householdattachments, social and economic buildings. Over 20 ha of agricultural land wereaffected in Vatra Moldoviţei. The waters flooded over 7 households in ValeaStânei village and in Ciumârna, four gabions on the left river bank and 2 littlebridges were destroyed. In Vatra Moldoviţei village, 180 m of dam as well as afootbridge were destroyed, and a wood deposit was flooded. In Paltinu village, thecommune road was 70% damaged, two bridges were severely affected, and thebridge defence collapsed over a distance of 50 m. As a result of the anthropicalintervention, the catastrophic floods are more and more frequent.