Summary: | The aim of this methodological study is to define basic rules of a good qualitatively oriented empirical study, that means a research report presenting results of qualitative research which is intended for publicati on in a scientific journal. At the same time we share a distance from explicitly formulated quality criteria of qualitative research that might limit the autonomy of researcher when choosing ownresearch methods and procedures. Our rules should therefore be seen as framework recommendations which enable authors to retain control over the quality of their own research. Presented rules apply to the four key areas of the research report: weaddress (1) theoretical part of the study, (2) description of the plan and conduct of the research, (3) outcomes of analysis and interpretation of data, and (4) language and style of writing the research report. Gradually we define 16 basic rules of quality writing that we interpret with the aid of methodological literature and annotated examples from published and unpublished qualitative studies. We believe that theserules can be recommended as basic guidelines to beginning authors of scientific texts intended for peer-reviewed journals.