Summary: | Isoprene is a climate-active gas whose wide-spread global production stems mostly from terrestrial plant emissions. The biodegradation of isoprene is carried out by a number of different bacteria from a wide range of environments. This study investigates the genome of a novel isoprene degrading bacterium <i>Nocardioides</i> sp. WS12, isolated from soil associated with <i>Salix alba</i> (Willow), a tree known to produce high amounts of isoprene. The <i>Nocardioides</i> sp. WS12 genome was fully sequenced, revealing the presence of a complete isoprene monooxygenase gene cluster, along with associated isoprene degradation pathway genes. Genes associated with rubber degradation were also present, suggesting that <i>Nocardioides</i> sp. WS12 may also have the capacity to degrade poly-cis-1,4-isoprene.