Summary: | Introduction: Contemporary civilizational and cultural changes mean that blind students experience many psychological, social and physical challenges that can contribute to educational and social difficulties.
Research Aim: The aim of the research was to find out about the opinions of blind students regarding their situation and difficulties while studying, as well as the possibilities of received support.
Method: Qualitative research has been carried out. These were statements obtained through an narrative interview in the form of personal, subjective experiences and experiences of the respondents.
Results: Educational experiences of blind students were presented in the form of their opinions on the adaptation of teaching materials, adaptation of classes, credits and examinations for blind students, availability of library resources, access to university websites, urban planning conditions and architectural barriers, opinions of the respondents about the attitudes of research workers and non-disabled students towards blind students, attitudes of the respondents towards the education process and assessment of their role in this process.
Conclusion: Despite pointing out a number of barriers to accessibility, respondents expressed satisfaction with taking up higher education.