Summary: | The transformation of higher education is associated with the search for new education methods. This problem should be solved by the philosophy of education and pedagogy. The formation of new intelligentsia - the bearer of the model of knowledge-culture – should play a special role. New pedagogy should develop new methods to develop a free creative individual capable of resolving moral contradictions and ethical issues and setting own priorities. Priorities of the post-industrial reality are called "projective culture" or "third culture" which forms a personality that will correspond to the dominant value system. It is necessary to develop new methods for the formation of an educated person, inscribed in the format of both global and narrowly professional culture. To solve this problem, all the methods of cognition should be combined: rational, subjective, and intuitive. They form analytical, substantial, and qualitative aspects of thinking. This systemic trinity is used to identify the integrity of objects. Ecological education, which has become part of humanitarian education, is indicative. The priority of knowledge of the STEC-enlightened generation is aimed at the synergy of natural and technical sciences, ecology, and social phenomena, at the ability to make rational decisions in various conditions. The humanization of new education will contribute to creative thinking within systemic thinking, open non-linear speculative operations. This principle of thinking is determined by categories taken from the aesthetic arsenal of the humanities.