Summary: | Sustainable cocoa production is susceptible to changes in some climatic parameters. This survey was carried out to understand the perceptions of cocoa farmers on climate change, its impacts on cocoa production and their adaptation methods. Stratified sampling method was used to select the farmers and data were collected with structured questionnaires. Stratification of the district was done based on existing seven administrative divisional offices which comprise of six area councils and one town council. Cocoa farmers were sampled within each stratum with sample size proportional to estimated number of farmers. During the survey, 378 cocoa farmers were interviewed from Abu-Bone (60), Anyinasuso (65), Biakoye (42), Kwasu-Abu (89), Subriso (35), Suponso (20) and Tepa (67). The dataset had been shared with this article and it is valuable for understanding the perceptions of cocoa farmers on climate change, cocoa production efficiency and determinants of climate change adaptation choices. Keywords: Climate change, Adaptation methods, Vulnerability, Cocoa, Ghana