Summary: | Despite the significance and effectiveness of numerous studies, the role and relationship of internal (psychological) and external (environmental) factors in the development of creativity at the stage of studying at a university are not clearly determined. The conducted study aims to analyze the psychological prerequisites for the development of a person’s creativity at student age. The study tests the hypothesis that students demonstrating a higher level of creativity have several individual psychological features including genetically predetermined ones. The deployed psychodiagnostic methods include the “creativity” scale of the Self-actualization diagnostic questionnaire “SAMOAL” (A.V. Lazukina, as adapted by N.F. Kalin), “Questionnaire for diagnostics of the dominating instinct” (V.I. Garbuzov); the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), and “The method of diagnostics of the learning style parameters” (A. Soloman, R. Felder). The obtained results provide for a more precise description of the psychological portrait of a student with high creativity level as well as indicate the presence of genetically predetermined factors of predisposition to the development of creativity as a creative attitude towards life.