Summary: | The vortex-type fluidic diode (FD) is a key safety component for inherent safety in various advanced reactors such as the sodium fast reactor (SFR) and the molten salt reactor (MSR). In this study, topology optimization is conducted to optimize the design of the vortex-type fluidic diode. The optimization domain is simplified to 2-dimensional geometry for a tangential port and chamber. As a result, a design with a circular chamber and a restrictor at the tangential port is obtained. To verify the new design, experimental study and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis were conducted for inlet Reynolds numbers between 2000 and 6000. However, the results show that the performance of the new design is no better than the original reference design. To analyze the cause of this result, detailed analysis is performed on the velocity and pressure field using flow visualization experiments and 3-D CFD analysis. The results show that the discrepancy between the optimization results in 2-D and the experimental results in 3-D originated from exclusion of an important pressure loss contributor in the optimization process. This study also concludes that the junction design of the axial port and chamber offers potential for improvement of fluidic diode performance. Keywords: Vortex-type fluidic diode, Topology optimization, CFD, Flow visualization