Summary: | We aimed to analyze the situation of the first two epidemic waves in Myanmar using the publicly available daily situation of COVID-19 and whole-genome sequencing data of SARS-CoV-2. From March 23 to December 31, 2020, there were 33,917 confirmed cases and 741 deaths in Myanmar (case fatality rate of 2.18%). The first wave in Myanmar from March to July was linked to overseas travel, and then a second wave started from Rakhine State, a western border state, leading to the second wave spreading countrywide in Myanmar from August to December 2020. The estimated effective reproductive number (<i>R<sub>t</sub></i>) nationwide reached 6–8 at the beginning of each wave and gradually decreased as the epidemic spread to the community. The whole-genome analysis of 10 Myanmar SARS-CoV-2 strains together with 31 previously registered strains showed that the first wave was caused by GISAID clade O or PANGOLIN lineage B.6 and the second wave was changed to clade GH or lineage B.1.36.16 with a close genetic relationship with other South Asian strains. Constant monitoring of epidemiological situations combined with SARS-CoV-2 genome analysis is important for adjusting public health measures to mitigate the community transmissions of COVID-19.