Problem setting. Analysis of geopolitical situation in the world, experience of using troops in local wars and armed conflicts, convincingly demonstrates that today ensuring military security of state requires new approaches to use of the Armed Forces in modern conditions. Among them, problem of imp...

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Main Authors: Олександр Юрійович Панфілов, Людмила Олександрівна Петрова
Format: Article
Published: Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University 2018-09-01
Series:Вісник НЮУ імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія
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Summary:Problem setting. Analysis of geopolitical situation in the world, experience of using troops in local wars and armed conflicts, convincingly demonstrates that today ensuring military security of state requires new approaches to use of the Armed Forces in modern conditions. Among them, problem of improving management efficiency is not the last one. This is a military leader who has not only a high level of professional training, but also an innovative personality. Such a person is able to solve complex of unpredictable problems in specialized areas of professional activity. Recent research and publications analysis. The conceptualization of philosophical studies of education and the formation of personality was attended by many well-known philosophers Klepko S. F., Kremen VG, Kultayev M. D., Andrushchenko V. A., Zyazun I. A., Bazaluk O. A., Ognevjuk V. A. and others. Paper objective – the determine the ways of developing military education as the main strategy for the formation of the personality of a modern military leader. Paper main body. Bank of modern innovations is formed by accelerated development of information technologies which has led to the fact that traditional approaches to forma- tion of personality cease to comply needs and requirements of modern life. But for forma- tion of an innovative personality it is necessary to have its theoretical model with basic qualities and acquired in process of professionalization. Objective social conditions (status of armed forces and system of military education) produce the habit of the soldier – a system of stable dispositions, patterns of perception, thinking and action. Ritualized military practices leads to rigidity in structure of military organization and reduce chances of adopting actors to new conditions of existence. There- fore, today there is requirement for the person who not only accumulates information for their professional activities, but also has ability to generate and change it, that means, constantly be in a state of creative research and creative development. Accordingly new military practices require a new habit. Methodologists note that in this changing world the old comfortable and habitual habit is disastrous. Attributive characteristics of post- non-classical practices – is their reflectivity. Exactly, the post-non-classical habit is able to direct the mentality of a person so that it becomes natural to realize oneself as a subject of responsible action. Therefore, in our opinion, one of the effective ways of forming an innovative personal- ity, but not the only one, is scientifically based innovative development of Ukraine’s military education and construction of a new paradigm for military education. Education – is a force that, to a greater extent than any other, shapes the future. At the present time, human qualities such as creativity and innovation of thinking, honesty and decency, creative in- dependence and rational activity, civic responsibility and legal literacy, interethnic toler- ance and national identity should be formed in the minds of each person. Conclusions of the research. The modern system of military education should act ahead of time, so that in minds of future military leader estimate consequences of their actions constantly take place. This requires that in process of education influence on con- sciousness and subconsciousness of each trainee is significantly increased. At the same time, military education should lay not just a scientist or technical foundation for profes- sional competences of a military leader, but also contribute to development of a person’s creative, personal and creative potential. However, in order to change traditional norms and rules of forming the personality of a military leader, certain personal resource is needed. To such, first of all, should attribute the presence in a person of such personal qualities as conviction, belief in oneself, ability to overcome difficulties by searching for new, non-standard ways of resolving them, tolerance and vitality. In our opinion, the humanitarian and ideological training of military personnel, based on a competent approach, should form a systemic global thinking.