Summary: | Technology and environmental innovations always have a growing emphasis and have affected various industries. Since the cosmetics industry is highly competitive and consumers always desire innovations in products, the cosmetics industry tends to launch new products to satisfy customer desires without exception. Recently, in the area of cosmeceuticals, the application of nanotechnology has been attempting to increase; however, it seems to be tackling certain disadvantages compared to traditional products. Cosmeceuticals based on nanotechnology offer the benefits of product differentiation, improved bioavailability, and prolonged effects of active ingredients. These are widely used as a regulated delivery medium for cosmeceuticals, such as shampoo, nail enamels, lotions, hair serums, and conditioners. Their wide application is attributed to their intrinsic properties, such as rapid penetration, stability, hydrating power, and texture. The ability of the nanoemulsion system to form small- and large-surface nanoparticles enable the bioactive components to be transported into the skin more effectively. Furthermore, natural cosmetics are a general term that refers to all preparations for external conditioning and beautifying of the body from ingredients produced by or found in nature. The purpose of this review is to understand the nature of natural cosmetics which incorporate nanotechnology for better encapsulation and a better drug delivery system. The importance of innovations in the cosmetic industry is also discussed.