Summary: | This paper compares the performance of speed responsesgiven by the direct vector control system of an induction motor. The four PI controllers are incorporated in such a control system with eight state-variables. The coefficient matrix of the above closed-loop system holds eight eigenvalues. The direct computation method and random selection was used to specify all the PI gains. The direct method proceeds with a decision on eight appropriate negative integers of eigenvalues and then solving a set of eight simultaneous polynomial-equations. All its roots become proper PI gains. The random selection assigns arbitrarily each PI gain to a positive integer.When all the parameters of the induction motor and its mechanical load match with the corresponding nominal values and when some parameters deviate from
the corresponding ones, the direct method providesspeed responses preferable to those caused by random selection. Five instances are included in simulation. These involve matching between each parameter and the corresponding nominal value, atenfold increase of either rotor resistance, stator resistance, or moment of inertia from the corresponding one, andsimultaneously a fourfold increase of rotor resistance, stator resistance, and moment of inertia from the
corresponding ones.