Summary: | This article explores a technique for studying the dynamic characteristics of cross-rod spatial structures (CRSS) using small-scale models, including the developed nodal connection of spatial frame rods protected by copyright. Using a nodal connection makes it possible to regulate the construction lifting of large-span structures and increases their strength and reliability. The developed nodal connection of the structure can be used for any spatial frames of buildings and structures and is especially effective for the frames erected in areas of high seismicity.
Choosing methods for excitation of free and forced vibrations is being investigated, equipment for recording and recording vibrations is selected, and a layout of vibration sensors and sources of excitation of free and forced vibrations is being developed. Natural vertical oscillations of the structure model were caused by removing it from the state of equilibrium by concentrated loads applied in the middle and a quarter of the span with their subsequent removal.
The test results and their analysis are analyzed. The experimental models' elements at all loading stages worked in the elastic stage. The tests showed that the structure has sufficient strength, stability, rigidity, and seismic resistance. Based on the results obtained, recommendations were made for their use in calculating and designing CRSS for seismic regions.