Summary: | The structure of the Serbian population nutrition does not correspond to thenutrition nomns. The energetic needs are mostly satisfied by wheat and wheatproducts. The milk consumption is below the recommended values while the meatconsumption is very unbalanced. Similar tendencies are also noticed when it comesto taking vegetables and fruit.The nutrition structure depends on the kind of household and, surely, onavailable and usable means.The member of the agricultural household annually takes in at most: wheat andwheat products (173,1 kg), fresh and processed vegetables (123,2 kg), fresh andprocessed fruit (54,2 kg), fresh and processed meat (56,0 kg), fats (20,2 kg), milk andmilk products (132,9 1), eggs (181,6 pieces) and other food products (22,6 kg). Onthe other hand, the member of the non-agricultural household takes in wheat andwheat products (151,7 kg), fresh and processed vegetables (98,8 kg), fresh andprocessed fruit (47,3 kg),fresh and processed meat (37,4 kg), fats (14,7 kg), milk andmilk products (104,3 1), eggs (171,6 pieces) and other food products (18,5 kg).