Summary: | Over the past two decades, significant efforts have been made to diversify the tourism industry and enhance its educational experience. One such endeavor is urban trekking and geotourism, which have emerged as important means of promoting geological knowledge. The recent advancements in augmented reality technologies as well as the increasing availability of ‘born digital’ data such as those gathered from social media create a basis for the development of immersive and customized touristic experiences. Urban scientific heritage, augmented reality, and data mining are the key elements of the HUSH project. Its first focus is the identification of the naturalistic components in a given urban area (flora, fauna, and geological features) through literature surveys and scientific research. These factors become points of interest (PoIs) along touristic paths, where they are connected to the historical and artistic components of the area. Augmented reality serves as the medium through which the user can access this content. The contents are delivered as videos, text, images, or interactive 3D models. The mobile application from this project is a useful tool for promoting geoheritage and naturalistic values in urban areas and for improving the awareness and the sustainability of our cities.