Summary: | A heavy-ion accelerator complex called RAON is currently under development in Korea. The neutron science facility (NSF) is a part of RAON to produce white and mono-energetic neutrons covering the 10-90 MeV energy range with high-intensity. Deuterons and protons with ≤ 53 MeV and ≤ 88 MeV, respectively, accelerated by superconducting linac are delivered to the neutron target to produce fast neutrons. Pulsed beam intense is up to more than ∼ 20μA enough for measurements of neutron-induced reactions at the neutron time-of-flight (n-TOF) facility. Be and C target are used to produce white neutrons and Li target is used for mono-energetic neutrons. Basically, two neutron beam lines at 0 ° and 30 ° will be constructed by using neutron collimator. In NSF, the time projection counter (TPC) is employed to measure fission cross-section with ∼few % uncertainty.