Summary: | We investigate quantum phases of the Bose–Bose mixtures in a two dimensional (2D) square lattice under artificial magnetic flux. Our analysis employs the inhomogeneous Dynamical Gutzwiller Mean-Field Theory (DGMFT) to investigate ground state within the two-component Bose–Hubbard model. The results based on various inter-component interactions and magnetic flux. In the case of weak inter-component interaction (wherein the inter-component interactions remain subordinate to intra-component interactions, symbolically expressed as |Uab|≤U), we observe a multitude of captivating quantum phases within the Bose–Bose mixtures. These include the emergence of the jagged density-wave supersolid(SS) phase, the latticed-like density-wave SS phase, and counterflow superfluid (CFSF) phase. Notably, the introduction of artificial magnetic flux expands the range of existence for CFSF phase. In the case of strong inter-component interaction(wherein the inter-component interactions surpass intra-component interactions, symbolically expressed as Uab>U), we delve deeper into the classification of the spatially separated phase, aptly termed the phase separated supersolid (P-SS).