This retrospective study aimed to identify the common extra-pelvic injuries at the first admission at the hospital of cats with pelvic fractures. The medical records and radiographs were assessed. Seventy-three cats with pelvic fractures were identified, of which 41 were associated with extra-pelvi...

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Main Authors: Caroline Molon de Morais, Sheila Canevese Rahal, José Ivaldo de Siqueira Silva Junior *, Jeniffer Gabriela Figueroa Coris, Maria Jaqueline Mamprim, Jean Paereira da Silva, Isis Alexandra Pincella Tinoco
Format: Article
Published: University of Ljubljana Press (Založba Univerze v Ljubljani) 2023-07-01
Series:Slovenian Veterinary Research
Online Access:
Summary:This retrospective study aimed to identify the common extra-pelvic injuries at the first admission at the hospital of cats with pelvic fractures. The medical records and radiographs were assessed. Seventy-three cats with pelvic fractures were identified, of which 41 were associated with extra-pelvic injuries. Of the 41 animals with extra-pelvic injuries, 21 were females and 20 were males. Motor vehicle trauma represented 56.09% of the pelvic fracture cause. Injuries to the appendicular skeleton included femur (n=12), tibia (n=1), lateral malleolus (n=1) and olecranon (n=1) fractures, and unilateral hip luxation (n=4). In the axial skeleton, mandibular condyle fracture (n=1), fracture of lumbar vertebrae (n=1), fracture and/or luxation of the coccygeal vertebrae (n=3), and luxation between S3 and the first coccygeal vertebra (n=3) were detected. Sacrum or sacroiliac fractures were detected in six cases. Sacroiliac luxation was verified in 22 cats unilaterally (n=15) and bilaterally (n=7). Respiratory tract lesions were pulmonary contusion (n=2), pneumothorax (n=2), and diaphragmatic hernia (n=1). Lesions of the urinary system organs included bladder rupture (n=3) and bladder entrapment in the hernia (n=1). In the integumentary system, there was one case of cutaneous laceration and one of subcutaneous emphysema. Traumatic hernias of the abdominal wall were found in five cats. Nervous system lesions included traumatic brain injury (n=2) and spinal cord injury (n=1). Two cats presented with constipation. Two animals died, and two were euthanized due to the severity of the injuries. In conclusion, the extra-pelvic injuries at admission were more frequent in the appendicular skeleton, mainly represented by femur fractures. RETROSPEKTIVNA ANALIZA POŠKODB IZVEN MEDENICE, POTRJENIH OB PRVEM SPREJEMU MAČK Z ZLOMOM MEDENICE Izvleček: Namen te retrospektivne študije je bil ugotoviti pogoste zunajmedenične poškodbe ob prvem sprejemu mačk z zlomom medenice v bolnišnico. Pregledali smo medicinsko dokumentacijo in rentgenske slike. Identificirali smo 73 mačk z zlomom medenice, od katerih jih je bilo 41 povezanih z zunajmedeničnimi s poškodbami. Od 41 živali z zunajmedeničnimi poškodbami je bilo 21 samic in 20 samcev. Poškodbe zaradi motornih vozil so predstavljale 56,09 % vzrokov zlomov medenice. Poškodbe privesnega skeleta so vključevale zlom stegnenice (n = 12), golenice (n = 1), lateralnega skočnega sklepa (n = 1) in olekranona (n = 1) ter enostranski izpah kolka (n = 4). V osnem skeletu so bili odkriti zlom čeljustnega kondila (n = 1), zlom ledvenih vretenc (n = 1), zlom in/ali izpah repnih vretenc (n = 3) ter izpah med S3 in prvim repnim vretencem (n = 3). V šestih primerih so bili ugotovljeni zlomi križnice ali križnice in črevnice. Izpah križnično-črevničnega sklepa je bil potrjen pri 22 mačkah, enostransko (n = 15) ali obojestransko (n = 7). Poškodbe dihalnih poti so vključevale kontuzijo pljuč (n = 2), pnevmotoraks (n = 2) in diafragmalno hernijo (n = 1). Poškodbe organov sečil so vključevale rupturo mehurja (n = 3) in ujetje mehurja v hernijo (n = 1). Najden je bil en primer raztrganine kože in en primer podkožnega emfizema. Travmatske hernije trebušne stene so bile ugotovljene pri petih mačkah. Poškodbe živčnega sistema so vključevale travmatsko poškodbo možganov (n = 2) in poškodbo hrbtenjače (n = 1). Dve mački sta imeli zaprtje. Dve živali sta poginili, dve sta bili zaradi resnosti poškodb evtanazirani. Zaključimo lahko, da so bile zunajmedenične poškodbe ob sprejemu pogostejše na privesnem skeletu, ki so jih predstavljali predvsem zlomi stegnenice. Ključne besede: zunajmedenični; poškodba; travma; skelet