Artzibarko aldaera deitu izanaren inguruan (6 – Hego-Esteribarko laginak: Ilurdotz II)

Saio hau honen aurrekoari bukaera ematera datorkio, hartan ez baikenuen lekurik aski izan geure esku zegoen hainbat ekai argitaratzeko. Honen aurrekoan egin genuen Laburpena-k, beraz, balio du honetarako ere, nahiz oraingo honetan berritasunen bat sartu dugun. Ekarri ere, saio honetara, testu ba...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Koldo Artola
Format: Article
Published: Gobierno de Navarra 2012-12-01
Series:Fontes Linguae Vasconum
Online Access:
Summary:Saio hau honen aurrekoari bukaera ematera datorkio, hartan ez baikenuen lekurik aski izan geure esku zegoen hainbat ekai argitaratzeko. Honen aurrekoan egin genuen Laburpena-k, beraz, balio du honetarako ere, nahiz oraingo honetan berritasunen bat sartu dugun. Ekarri ere, saio honetara, testu batzuk eta esaldi-sorta handi samarra ekartzeaz gainera, aditz trinko batzuen berri apala eta gramatikaren inguruko beste arazo batzuen berri ematen dugu, hala nola Ilurdotz bereko andre bati bilduriko kantu eta kantinela bana ere. Lehenago ere esanik gaude berriemaile hauek adieraziriko zalantza, etenaldi eta gabeziak euskaraz luzaro mintzatu gabe egon izatearen ondorio zuzena direla. Bihotz zabaleko lagun hauei, beraz, eskerrik beroenak ematea dagokigu, bai guri erakutsiriko abegi onagatik, bai-eta geroko belaunaldiei utzitako lekukotasunezko altxor preziatuagatik ere. This second contribution aims at completing and finishing the former, because we did not have enough space in that issue to publish all our materials. The former’s summary is therefore valid for this one too, but we have introduced some new material: besides the contribution of new stories and a long list of phrases, we have gathered, albeit insufficiently, new information about the synthetic forms of several verbs, and about other grammar issues. Finally, we publish a song and its melody gathered from a woman from the village of Ilúrdoz.We have already explained that the doubts and hesitations shown in conversation by the informant are due to his not having practiced Basque for a long time. We have to thank all these good, patient and accommodating friends for their kind welcome and for having thus left to posterity the testimony of their treasures.