Summary: | Up-to-date, the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment method is actively used in many fields of medicine. In traumatology, PRP is used to treat bone and cartilage defects, ligamentous apparatus. In combustiology for the healing of burns, in surgery ¾ trophic ulcers. There is evidence of the feasibility of using PRP in some dermatological diseases, as well as in dental practice. For urology, the method is new and is just beginning to be studied. The article discusses the methods of treatment of interstitial cystitis (IC) and erectile dysfunction (ED) using PRP. During the review, we relied on existing data on the effectiveness of intravesical injections of PRP in the treatment of IC, as well as on the successful treatment of ED with activated, nonactivated PRP and PRP augmented phosphodiesterasetype 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors.