Summary: | In a 2018 study, 85% of the American consumers surveyed stated they trusted private brand products at least as much as national brands. In both Asia and Thailand, the importance of private brands is also increasing. Therefore, the researchers undertook a study to investigate the sample group of 1,000 Thai Tesco Lotus and Big C retail shoppers about their opinions concerning the importance of the store’s marketing mix (MM), brand equity (BE), their lifestyle (LS), and their attitude (AT) towards their final purchase decision. LISREL 9.1 was used to conduct both a confirmatory factor analysis [CFA] and a structural equation model [SEM] to analyze the study’s six hypotheses and their interrelationships. From the SEM analysis it was determined that the most important causal variables influencing PDPD were BE, AT, MM, and LS, which had total effect values of .61, .23., .22, and .17, respectively.