Summary: | The effect of Cr+6 with and without chelating agents were assessed in mung bean seedlings grown hydroponically. It was noted that the growth parameters showed a declining trend with increasing Cr+6 concentrations without chelate application. Among the seedlings grown with chelated chromium complexes, Cr+6–DTPA (10µM) showed highest growth rate of roots as well as shoots. At higher concentration of Chromium i.e. Cr+6 (100µM), there exhibited high chlorophyll content in mung bean leaves where the seedlings showed stunted growth. The seedlings treated without and with chelated chromium complexes showed increased proline content as compared to control. The enzymatic study showed that, the catalase activity was maximum in shoots as compared to roots and the reverse is true in the case of peroxidase activity i.e. the roots showed higher value than that of the shoots.