Summary: | Bud dormancy is a genotype-dependent mechanism observed in <i>Prunus</i> species in which bud growth is inhibited, and the accumulation of a specific amount of chilling (endodormancy) and heat (ecodormancy) is necessary to resume growth and reach flowering. We analyzed publicly available transcriptome data from fifteen cultivars of four <i>Prunus</i> species (almond, apricot, peach, and sweet cherry) sampled at endo- and ecodormancy points to identify conserved genes and pathways associated with dormancy control in the genus. A total of 13,018 genes were differentially expressed during dormancy transitions, of which 139 and 223 were of interest because their expression profiles correlated with endo- and ecodormancy, respectively, in at least one cultivar of each species. The endodormancy-related genes comprised transcripts mainly overexpressed during chilling accumulation and were associated with abiotic stresses, cell wall modifications, and hormone regulation. The ecodormancy-related genes, upregulated after chilling fulfillment, were primarily involved in the genetic control of carbohydrate regulation, hormone biosynthesis, and pollen development. Additionally, the integrated co-expression network of differentially expressed genes in the four species showed clusters of co-expressed genes correlated to dormancy stages and genes of breeding interest overlapping with quantitative trait loci for bloom time and chilling and heat requirements.