Summary: | La tesis central de este articulo es que el actual Plan de Desarrollo mantiene -en forma equivocada- la dicotomia entre politica economica y politica social, y que esta ultima continua atrapada en una vision de complementariedad que lleva a persistir entre en el asistencialismo y a subestimar la complejidad de los factores estructurales y coyunturales que estan en la raiz de la violencia y la pobreza, dos problemas que el plan considera centrales.<br>The central thesis of this article is that the current Development Plan maintains -mistakenly- the dichotomy between economic policy and social policy, and that the latter continues to be trapped in a vision of complementarity which leads to the persistence of assistentialism and to underestimating the complexity of the structural and conjunctural factors which are at the root of violence and poverty, two problems which the Plan considers central.