Summary: | Genital injuries in men were most common among young people aged 18 to 45 (62.5 %). This is a group of able-bodied people and people who plan to have children. This makes this problem socially significant. Evaluation of the results and outcomes of treatment of injuries of the scrotum and penis should be carried out in a comprehensive manner. The assessment should assess the clinical component, radiation methods (ultrasound, ultrasound dopplerography, urethrocystography), disorders of spermatogenesis (spermogram), quality of life. The frequency of occurrence and severity of violations in all the designated groups of criteria for injuries of the scrotum organs correlate with the main assessment criteria – the degree of damage, the duration of the injury. The article presents the results of long-term consequences in patients after injuries of the genitals in men. The article also presents recommendations for the treatment of patients after injuries of the genitals in men, rehabilitation methods and recommendations for the medical examination of patients who have suffered injuries of the male genitals.