Summary: | This study adopted a mixed method approach and the purpose of the research was to describe and analyze collaborative governance involved multi level stakeholders in tourism management. The data analysis used the technique of triangulation against different data sources, namely, data from interviews with informants as respondents, the data review of agency documents and data from field observations.
The researchers endeavored to understand and analyze the stakeholder concept considering its strategic role in tourism collaborative governance. They identified the role and the relationship between various stakeholders via literature study research and interview data. The study found a reciprocal relationship between the various stakeholders involved in optimal tourism management. The relationship becomes very complex because each stakeholder has different interests. Through a combination of power, interest, and influence, there is a cluster of stakeholders that causes collaboration to result in an unbalanced
manner. Some stakeholders dominate management and others are limited to the role of supporters and may even be passive. This condition inhibits communication between stakeholders and coordination between stakeholders in collaborating. Collaborative governance is ideal conceptually, but in the context of different levels of cross-sectoral stakeholders, this theory needs to be further developed.