Summary: | <p class="x-----------" xml:lang="en-US">The possibility of refining of the process of formation of students’ meta-subject skills while studying Chemistry in the 9<span class="char-style-override-6">th</span> form at school based on case-technology is explored (the theme «Metals» is a focus of attention). To realize the aim of research we developed cases, which – adjusted for the themes of the lessons – were included in the course schedule in accordance with the textbook «Chemistry. The 9<span class="char-style-override-6">th</span>Form» by O.S. Gabrielyan. Not very large in their content, cases contained information corresponding to teenagers’ comprehension. Students’ work with those cases at various points of a lesson, which presuppose different activities, contributed to the formation of not only subject competences, but also of general ones. The results of the analysis revealed the increased level of formation of the skills being checked. This fact confirmed the efficiency of case-technology in the process of formation of the system of meta-subject skills provided that focused and systematic work with cases, which include tasks encouraging training of the above mentioned skills, is in progress.</p><p class="x-----------" xml:lang="en-US"><span class="char-style-override-1">Purpose </span>–<span class="char-style-override-1"> </span>refining of the process of formation of students’ meta-subject skills while studying Chemistry in the 9<span class="char-style-override-6">th</span> form at school based on case-technology (the theme «Metals» is a focus of attention).</p><p class="x-----------" xml:lang="en-US"><span class="char-style-override-1">Methodology.</span> For this research the following methods were used: the theoretical ones – <br />the study of psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature, the analysis, generalization and systematization of the research results; the empiric ones – pedagogical experiment, questioning, mathematical treatment of the received diagnostic data.</p><p class="x-----------" xml:lang="en-US"><span class="char-style-override-1">Results:</span> the possibility of<span class="char-style-override-1"> </span>refining of the system of meta-subject skills while studying <br />inorganic chemistry in the 9<span class="char-style-override-6">th</span> form in school based on case-technology is demonstrated. The requirements for cases aimed at the formation of meta-subject skills of the students of the principal school were established. In accordance with these requirements the bank of cases for studying the theme «Metals» was formed.</p><p class="x-----------" xml:lang="en-US"><span class="char-style-override-1">Practical implications:</span> teaching Chemistry.</p>