Summary: | It is viewed as in the 1980s. in the newly created laboratory of genetic engineering of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Novosibirsk), oligonucleotides and oligonucleotide derivatives were synthesized and one of the four artificial at that time largest genes in the world - the human ß-interferon gene was assembled and obtained a bacterial producer ß -interferon based on Escherichia coli. This landmark work turns 40 and occupies an important place in the history of the Institute and in the fate of the people who performed it. The work was carried out by a group of authors: V.P. Kumarev, M.I. Rivkin, N.V. Amirkhanov, L.V. Baranova, V.S. Bogachev, M.L. Kobets, S.I. Oshevski, L.V. Obukhova, V.N. Rybakov, K.D. Kuznedelov, S.I. Vershinina, V.V. Gulevich. The article is dedicated to them and, above all, to the leaders, organizers, initiators, and main performers of the unique research: Viktor Prokopyevich Kumarev and Mark Iosifovich Rivkin.