Summary: | Authors examined the effects of SUPRO 595 and GRINSTED™ Carrageenan CC 250 addition on selected sensory properties of smoked pork loin. Sensory evaluation of products included an estimate of cut appearance, texture odor, taste and color. Using photoelectric tristimulus colorimeter (the MOM Color - D) determination of color characteristics in pork loin samples was carried out. The values for psychometric lightness (L*), psychometric hue redness (a*) and psychometric chrome - yellowness (b*) were expressed based on the CIELAB system. Tenderness and firmness of samples were instrumentally measured on an "INSTRON" - 4301, under the given working conditions. The variants of smoked pork loins with soy isolate were better evaluated compared to the variants with carrageenan. The results of instrumental determination of color characteristics of the products showed that between the variants with soy isolate and the variants with carrageen there existed insignificant deviation in the values of psychometric lightness (L*), in the presence of redness (a*) and in the presence of yellowness (a*). Instrumentally measured tenderness and firmness showed that the samples with carrageen were characterized by somewhat greater tenderness and firmness compared to the samples with soy isolate.