Summary: | This article analyses Michele Di Stefano’s (mk) practices and choreographic works, a significative
example of the current Italian choreographic research. The text puts in relation “the private archive of
the body” – the material collected by the choreographer for a private use in order to “hold” the stages of
the creative process– and “the body as an archive” – the corporeality which bring and embody the traces
of the creative process. These are the specific bodies of “his” dancers, their experiences and the
competences acquired within the common work which orientates the choreographic practices in a tight
relationship with the choreographic imaginary and the process of transmission/embodiment that
indissolubly ties the archives of the body to the bodies as archives. This process is exemplified through
the 2015’s restaging of the company’s debut duet (e-ink, 1999) for Aterballetto in the occasion of the
project RIC.CI ideated by Marinella Guatterini.