Summary: | The hydrodynamics and sediment transport at the microtidal harbour of La Spezia Arsenale (Liguria, Italy) were studied through a numerical approach, with the objective of providing useful information for: (1) the understanding of the hydro-morphodynamics of microtidal harbour settings and (2) the operation management and planning for the Arsenale, the pivotal harbour for the Italian Navy. Three different scenarios were used to parametrically gain knowledge on the role of extreme (100-year return period) meteomarine forcing. FUNWAVE and Delft3D were used to simulate, respectively, the wave propagation from the open sea toward the Arsenale and the influence of two freshwater streams on the basin circulation. The first scenario was aimed at understanding the effect of wind waves and swell on the basin dynamics; the second scenario was set up to inspect the role of the rivers’ discharges on the Arsenale hydro-morphodynamics; the third scenario combined all of the above forcings. All the simulations also included the tidal forcing and were run under two different wind directions. We found that the hydrodynamics inside the Arsenale were mainly influenced by the tide and the wind; the former caused the water to enter/exit the basin during the flood/ebb phases, respectively, and the latter influenced the circulation cell, whose sense of rotation depended on the wind direction. In addition, the discharge of the Lagora stream, debouching into the sea close to the Arsenale entrance, partially entered the basin and created an eddy whenever its direction was opposite to that of the wind-forced circulation cell, while the Caporacca stream, flowing directly into the Arsenale, mainly fed the dominant circulation without altering it. On the other hand, the morphodynamics were strongly affected by the rivers’ discharges, which were solely responsible for the supply of sediment to the basin. Also, the major influence on the sediment transport was exerted by the rivers and the wind forcing. Small sedimentation rates were observed in the Arsenale close to the rivers’ mouths, particularly after the occurrence of the rivers’ discharges, while no siltation due to waves took place. This study evaluated for the first time the influence of freshwater streams flowing nearby/into the Arsenale, representative of semi-enclosed microtidal ports located in the vicinity of rivers. It was found that the contribution of the rivers to the hydro-morphodynamics of the Arsenale cannot be neglected; indeed, it represents one of the main forcings of the harbour dynamics and should, therefore, be considered from a management viewpoint.