Summary: | Internet of Things (IoT) supports an environment where users are able to interact and get information by sharing visual informational cues. The purpose of this study was to investigate what effect was made on the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, intention to use and selfefficacy about use of smart refrigerator when visual information related to the food and function is provided in advance in the interface. A data was collected from a between-subjects experiment (N = 26) with an independent variable (priming visual information vs. non-priming). According to the experiment results, users who were primed about the visual cues perceived higher usefulness (PU), ease of use (PEoU), intention to use (IU), and self-efficacy (SE) toward the fridge compared to the users in a non-primed group. The study proposes theoretical and practical implications for designing food-related smart home appliances’ interface and visual affordances.