Summary: | Abstract In this note we consider aspects of the current algebra interpretation of multisoft limits of tree-level gluon scattering amplitudes in four dimensions. Building on the relation between a positive helicity gluon soft-limit and the Ward identity for a level-zero Kac-Moody current, we use the double-soft limit to define the Sugawara energy-momentum tensor and, by using the triple- and quadruple-soft limits, show that it satisfies the correct OPEs for a CFT. We study the resulting Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations and show that they hold for positive helicity gluons in MHV amplitudes. Turning to the sub-leading soft-terms we define a one-parameter family of currents whose Ward identities corresponding to the universal tree-level sub-leading soft-behaviour. We compute the algebra of these currents formed with the leading currents and amongst themselves. Finally, by parameterising the ambiguity in the double-soft limit for mixed helicities, we introduce a non-trivial OPE between the holomorphic and anti-holomorphic currents and study some of its implications.