Summary: | 90th anniversary of the Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tuva provides an opportunity to take stock of museum work and its development in the republic. The museum currently functions as a cultural and research center of the region, playing a significant role in education, as well as preservation of culture and other spheres. The article examines the history of museum work in Tuva, also focusing on contemporary issues and new challenges offset by global trends in the museum industry.
Provided are some quantitative indicators of the current state of affairs, such as the overall number of museum workers (classified by category), including all of its 7 branch offices. By the size of its collections, National Museum of Tuva is one of the largest in South Siberia. The authors assess the types and outcomes of research done by the museum staff, and also describe the problems to be solved. The most important priority at the moment lies in collaborating with other research institutions.
The article also looks at how museums can work with their patrons. Methods of expanding and improving this work are exemplified by the case study of the Museum of political repressions, a constituent part of the National Museum. By 2021, all museum spaces have to undergo an exposition upgrade – a task which can only be seen as a creative one. Another important challenge is the adoption of contemporary technologies, which so far has had only a minimal solution. In doing so, a balance should be found between innovative and traditional forms of museum work. The status of the leading cultural institution of Tuva, which the museum currently has, should never be threatened.
International cooperation at the museum is now developing along two major lines – exchanging exhibition projects with foreign partner museum and providing venues for international events.