Summary: | The name of Taishi Sheareng is well known from historical documents. At the same
time, his pre-war biography is unknown. Various sources sometimes contain contradicting
information about his origin and the quanitity of his vassals. Due to the circumstances resulting
from the fall of the Dzhungar Khanate in 1758, Taisha Sheareng with his vassals ended up in
Kalmyk nomad camps on Volga. According to the conclusions of some ivestigations, he was
one of the initiators of the migration of the Kalmyks in 1771 from the banks of Volga. After
migrating to the borders of the former homeland, Taisha Sheareng was elevated to the rank of
Junwang by the Manchu emperor, and the territory of the modern Khovd aimag of Mongolia
was defined as the place of residence of his vassals. This publication provides data on the
pedigree of Taishi Sheareng and the number of his vassals according to well-known historical
chronicles and archival sources.