Summary: | Several national rice centers in Indonesia have used acetolactate synthase herbicide inhibitors
for years, especially in several regions of Lampung and West Java provinces. This
practice has led to the failure of the application of bensulfuron-methyl herbicide to control
Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) C. Presl. The purposes of this study were to confirm that
the failure of herbicide application in several areas of the provinces of Lampung and West
Java was caused by weed resistance, and to determine the level of resistance. A resistance
test of M. vaginalis was performed using the whole plant pot test method and split plot
design with three replications. Monochoria vaginalis which indicated resistance was sampled
from several regions, namely Sapto Mulyo, Ramadewa, Sarijaya, and Kalentambo. The
susceptible samples of M. vaginalis as a control were taken from Cibodas and Sumberagung.
The six levels of doses of herbicide bensulfuron-methyl used were: 0, 80, 160, 320,
640 and 1,280 g ∙ ha–1. The experimental results show that M. vaginalis from Sapto Mulyo,
Kalentambo and Sarijaya was confirmed to have developed into weeds resistant
to bensulfuron-methyl herbicide. Monochoria vaginalis from Saptomulyo, Kalentambo
and Sarijaya were included in the high resistance category with a resistance ratio of more
than 12, while M. vaginalis from Ramadewa was included in the moderate resistance category
with a resistance ratio of 9.39.