Summary: | The importance of the educational environment in personal growth, education, and building is realized via the analysis of scientific resources. One of the most crucial elements of such processes, according to some, is the educational environment. The terms "educational environment" and "educational environment of institution of higher education" are defined by the author. The writers promote the idea that the educational setting is a network of resources for individual education. The environmental approach to education, which aims to create and develop an educational environment that must fulfill a student's educational needs, is changing the emphasis on teaching, it is highlighted. The author's method of assessing the quality of the educational environment at a higher education institution is supported and approved, and the rating scale for this method is introduced. The method recommends doing a professional assessment of the learning environment of a higher education institution using qualitative (modality) and quantitative (professional breadth, professional saturation, sociocultural intensity, congruence, openness, mobility, informativeness) factors. A higher education institution's typology of the educational environment is offered (innovative-professional, formal-professional, pragmatically-oriented, formal general cultural educational environment). The analysis and explanation of the experiment's findings at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University's University College are provided. Three expert groups, which included student, teacher, and parent representatives, evaluated the college's educational setting. Even while assessments made by several expert groups are comparable, it becomes clear that there are important disparities, which has been demonstrated with the help of the right statistical techniques. It has been concluded that there is tremendous potential for the validation of the entire monitoring system of the educational environment of institution of higher education and associated diagnostic instruments.