Summary: | Sidomulyo Village has succeeded in developing village tourism during the hustle and bustle of urban life and
delivering real benefits to the local community. One of the key factors was the prevalence of social capital underpinning strong engagement of the local community to support the programs. In light of this success, this study further observes the factors determining social capital and found an overall improvement of the quality of life of the local people as a direct impact of this rural based tourism development in Sidomulyo. This study deploys descriptive statistical analysis to reveal the baseline characteristics in relation to social capital and quality of life in Sidomulyo. Subsequently, a CFA framework was applied to
determine the factors forming social capital and quality of life. Meanwhile, an analysis using a SEM technique was done to identify the relationship between social capital and quality of life. This study observed the components of quality of life which consists of material, community, emotional, health, and safety. The result shows that 81% of the quality of life is influenced by social capital in relation to the health and safety components. Social capital is important in facilitating the community's activities, especially tourism involving many people. Good social capital will affect the quality of life of the people of Sidomulyo Village through trust, norms, and networks that will make the community cooperate and support the development of tourism in Sidomulyo Village.