Summary: | Purpose: The aim of this study was to obtain data on the causes of rapid rate in the patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), the parameters that may be effective in the decision of antiarrhythmic treatment and short-term mortality during the management of the patients with AF with rapid ventricular response.
Materials and Methods: One hundred three patients over 18-year-old were included. Complete blood counts, biochemical and coagulation parameters, venous blood gases of the patients were evaluated. In order to investigate the volume condition, we measure the inferior vena cava (IVC) diameter by bed-side ultrasonography (USG). The mortalities within 15 and 30 days and analyzed the mortality-related parameters of the patients were calculated.
Results: Heart failure or hypervolemia are the most common clinical presentation with 15.5% (n=16) of the AF with rapid ventricular response. 14.6% (n=15) of the patients were treated by treating the underlying condition without giving any antiarrhythmics. A statistically significant correlation was found between lactate level and 15-30 day mortality rates. A statistically significant correlation was found between base excess (BE) and 15-30 day mortality rates.
Conclusion: The measurement of IVC diameter in the patients may lead the physicians to determine the volume condition of the patients, the lactate levels and BE values to predict the short-term mortality and help to decide whether hospitalize or discharge the patients.