Summary: | The purpose of this study was to explore the individual online information encountering (IE) experience and investigate the effects of their personal characteristics on IE experience. The study were conducted a qualitative research and a total of 11 respondents were interviewed. The results were as follows: Most online encountered information could satisfy the individual's present and future information needs. Most people acquire encountered information by themselves, and the encountered information came from various sources on the web. Frequent Internet users could be more sensitive to information than others. Moreover, people with higher intrinsic motivation, usually interested or curious about many things, are easy to acquire online IE experience. After having online IE experience, the individuals occasionally feel anxious because of time pressure, furthermore, they want to avoid encountering more information. However, most individuals feel novel and joyful while they encountered information. They even further process encountering information resources and expect to gain more experience about information encountering. In addition, the ideal environments of online information encountering include no commercial advertising, credibility, and a personalized database with the powerful searchable function. 本研究目的在瞭解個體的線上資訊偶遇經驗情形,以及個體所具備的個人特徵對其線上資訊偶遇經驗的影響。本研究分析11 位受訪者的資訊偶遇經驗並整合研究發現後,得出以下結論並提出後續的實務建議:線上偶遇資訊多為滿足個體現在及未來的資訊需求,且多由自己獲得、資訊來源廣泛。較常接觸並使用網路者,對自己的資訊敏感度具相當信心。內在學習動機較高、對許多事物都感興趣、或好奇心重的個體均易產生線上資訊偶遇經驗。個體偶爾會因資訊的繁雜或時間壓力而對於線上資訊偶遇經驗感到焦慮不安,進而產生想要逃避資訊偶遇的念頭,然多數個體仍會對偶遇資訊感到新奇喜悅,並進一步處理獲取之資訊資源,以期促進更多的資訊偶遇經驗產生。理想的線上資訊偶遇環境是無商業廣告、具公信力、具強大檢索功能的個人化資料庫。頁次:16-34