Summary: | This paper will assess the results oftransition in the Yugoslav successor states usingobjective and subjective criteria. Four objectivecriteria related to economic growth will be used tocompare economic performance in Yugoslavia andits successor states; 1. Speed of recovery afterwar/change in system, 2. Absolute growth rates, 3.Relative growth rates, 4. Place in worlddevelopment. This will be supplemented by a surveyof public opinion conducted by the European Bankfor Reconstruction and Development.All the four objective criteria show that theYugoslav economy performed much better than theeconomies of its successor states. The survey showsthat only 20 percent of population are happy withthe results of transition in South Eastern Europeancountries, while 64 percent are unhappy and 16percent are undecided. In the former Yugoslaviamuch less than 20 percent of population are happywith the changes brought by the transition.