Summary: | In cyberspace, social and cultural relations are reorganized, reformulating contexts, among which there is the artistic one. An example is poetry, because it is influenced by cyberculture, (dis) territorialized in the digital environment, becoming fluid in social media, such as Instagram. This context gives rise to instapoems and their respective instapoets, that promote the circularity of the poetry by means of its sharing in the social media. Considering these aspects, it is proposed a reflection on the digital social media Instagram as a (macro) textuality that can be linked to the process of authorship. For this analysis, we consider the Instagram of the instapoets João Doederlein and Ryane Leão, the hashtag #purpleart, and the theoretical contributions of Lévy (1996), Koch (2000), Santaella (2014) and Maingueneau (2016), for example. It was possible to perceive that Instagram is composed of different textualities that, together, form another, a bigger one, that is extended for the maintenance of the authorship, especially of the instapoets. Migrating to cyberspace, poetry finds its niche in algorithms and art raises its humanizing function.