Summary: | 卒中是我国成人致死、致残的首位病因,给患者及社会发展带来了沉重负担。组织化管理方法能够一定程度上提升卒中医疗质量,但医疗机构后勤服务支撑能力的异质性为卒中组织化管理的效果带来不确定影响。为进一步完善卒中组织化管理模式,提升卒中治疗的科学性及系统性,本指南就院前急救系统及卒中急诊的组织化管理、急诊多学科协作团队的管理、绿色通道的持续质量改进、卒中单元及卒中门诊的组织化管理、卒中中心的区域协同网络建设、医疗质量评估与改进等多个方面,形成了推荐意见。
Abstract: Stroke is a leading cause of mortality and disability among adults in China, imposing a substantial burden on both patients and societal development. The organizational management method can improve the medical quality of stroke to some extent. However, the heterogeneity of logistics support capacity in medical institutions brings uncertain effects on the effectiveness of stroke organizational management. In order to improve the organized management model of stroke and enhance the scientific and systematic nature of stroke treatment, this guidelines has formed recommendations on the coordination of pre-hospital emergency systems and stroke care facilities, multidisciplinary collaboration within emergency settings, the continuous quality improvement of green channels, the organizational management of stroke units and stroke clinics, development of regional stroke center networks, as well as medical quality assessment and enhancement initiatives.